Everyday Brunch is Now Available at Katy Asian Town! Come and Savor Dim Sum & Authentic Taiwanese flavors

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Craving the Authentic Taiwanese flavors of egg pancakes, soy milk, and youtiao? Bao & Rice introduces a new weekend brunch featuring traditional Chinese dim sum and Taiwanese-style breakfast. Enjoy dishes like turnip cake, scallion pancakes, siu mai, rice noodle rolls, and stir-fried beef noodles. Prepared by renowned local chefs using fresh ingredients, some dishes are frozen at 90% completion to maintain optimal flavor. They are then fried, boiled, or steamed to ensure the best taste.

Continue ReadingEveryday Brunch is Now Available at Katy Asian Town! Come and Savor Dim Sum & Authentic Taiwanese flavors

Bao and Rice 全新推出每日全天候早午餐,一起來品嘗中式點心和台灣味早餐吧

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Bao and Rice 全新推出美味早午餐,一起來品嘗中式點心和台灣味早餐吧!Bao & Ric提供台灣風味的早午餐和點心,包含蘿蔔糕、蔥油餅和燒賣、腸粉、 乾炒牛河......等道地風味,由當地知名中式點心餐廳主廚精心現製,並親手挑選新鮮食材並嚴格把控,部分菜品加工處理到90%的完成度,為保持最佳風味而採用冷凍保存,出餐時將菜品煎、煮、蒸加熱,讓每道菜品都能呈現最佳口感

Continue ReadingBao and Rice 全新推出每日全天候早午餐,一起來品嘗中式點心和台灣味早餐吧