Katy Asian Town Culinary Update! “Potataste” Creative Potato Cuisine Restaurant Joins AMA Kitchen

"Potataste," a creative potato cuisine restaurant, has now joined AMA Kitchen! Explore the infinite possibilities of potato cuisine, from crispy and...

凱蒂亞洲城美食快訊!「Potataste」創意馬鈴薯料理餐廳進駐AMA 美食廚坊

「Potataste」創意馬鈴薯料理餐廳現已進駐AMA美食廚坊!探索馬鈴薯料理的無限可能,從香脆可口的馬鈴薯華夫餅到烤馬鈴薯,盡情品嚐多元豐富的創意菜色。快來AMA Kitchen享受現代舒適的用餐環境,與家人朋友共同品味獨具特色的美食饗宴!...

休斯頓凱蒂亞洲城AMA Kitchen招募主廚合夥人! 零成本開餐飲店

你是否曾夢想經營一間餐廳? 休斯頓凱蒂亞洲城AMA Kitchen招募主廚合夥人啦! 想低成本創業開自己餐廳的看過來!現在 AMA Kitchen 為你提供獨特的機會,啟動自己的餐廳,而不必承擔創業所帶來的高成本和風險!...

Taste the Authentic Taiwanese Flavors at Bao & Rice in AMA Kitchen!

Discover Bao & Rice, a Taiwanese cuisine gem nestled in AMA Kitchen. Indulge in authentic Taiwanese flavors like Braised Beef Noodle Soup and...

品嚐台式風味餐廳Bao & Rice在AMA Kitchen共享空間精彩登場!

在AMA Kitchen共享空間,品嚐台式風味餐廳Bao & Rice精彩登場!探索台灣美食文化,從紅燒牛肉麵到鹽酥雞,每一道菜都散發著懷舊和溫暖的味道。無論是悠閒的早午餐還是歡樂的夜間聚會,AMA Kitchen提供多國料理,讓您與親朋好友盡情品味。立即預訂專屬的聚會包廂,探索多元美食體驗!...

8 new restaurants have joined Katy Asian Town, gathering at AMA Kitchen to share a culinary space! Presenting a complete showcase of Asian flavors!

"AMA Kitchen" is committed to providing a one-stop shared culinary space. We provide a modern and comfortable dining environment for customers to...

8家新餐廳進駐凱蒂亞洲城,齊聚AMA Kitchen共享美食空間!完整呈現亞洲風味!

「AMA Kitchen」致力於提供一站式共享美食空間,我們提供現代舒適的用餐環境,讓顧客在明亮優雅的氛圍中享用豐富多樣化且獨特的亞洲風味料理。不同於傳統的美食街或美食廣場只有簡化的菜單或小吃,目前「AMA...

Exploring Houston’s Trendy Food Scene: AMA Kitchen March New Arrivals!

Indulge in AMA Fried Buns' larger, juicier pan-fried buns bursting with flavor! Located in Houston's Katy Asian Town, AMA Kitchen offers an elevated...

引領休斯頓美食新潮流:AMA (阿嬷)小煎包登場!

探索休士頓美食新趨勢:AMA(阿嬷)小煎包新登場!這款比拇指生煎更大、更多汁的美食在凱蒂亞洲城掀起熱潮。每一口都帶來完整的美味,底部金黃酥脆,充滿鮮香湯汁。不要錯過AMA Kitchen的限時特惠套餐,享受多元亞洲風味餐點,並在美好的用餐環境中與親友共度時光!...

Indulge in Flavorful and Affordable Vietnamese Delights at AMA Kitchen in Katy Asian Town!

Explore diverse cuisine at AMA Kitchen in Katy Asian Town, where an array of flavors from 10 different countries awaits! Indulge in affordable and...

凱蒂亞洲城人均 $10美元品嚐越南菜,好吃不貴值得一試!

位於凱蒂亞洲城商圈新開幕的AMA Kitchen一站式集合10國豐富多元料理,從意大利面、台灣小吃、中式料理、小火鍋、越南河粉到日式壽司、冰淇淋甜點、沙拉、炸物及海鮮料理等通通都有!...

Indulge in Hand-Held Seafood Delights at Fish & Sea – Your Ultimate Check-In Spot at AMA Kitchen, Katy Asian Town!

Today, I'll introduce AMA Kitchen - Fish & Sea, specializing in seafood dishes, and highlight some must-try menu items...

休士頓Katy亞洲城!打卡Fish& Sea — 手抓海鮮

AMA Kitchen一站式集合10國豐富多元料理,從義大利麵、台灣小吃、中式料理、小火鍋、越南河粉到日式壽司、冰淇淋甜點、沙拉、炸物及海鮮料理等通通都有!今天小編為大家介紹AMA Kitchen3號廚房Fish& Sea海鮮料理,以及必吃菜色有哪些。...


在凱蒂亞洲城的AMA Kitchen,探索高性價比的H2J日料壽司!從新鮮寿司到多樣化的組合套餐,享受豐富料理的多重層次口感。現在享首單20%Off優惠,歡迎來店品味精選美味!免費成為會員更可獲得5%積分返現。多元豐富十國美食料理,滿足您的味蕾所需!...

Come and Savor Diverse Delicacies at AMA Kitchen

AMA Kitchen offers a wide range of delectable options in a modern and comfortable dining setting. Their menu boasts distinctive food brands from ten...

AMA Kitchen, A One-stop Panoramic Restaurant, is About to Have its Grand Opening

Experience Culinary Magic at AMA Kitchen's Grand Opening in Katy Asian Town! Join us for a 360-Degree Culinary Journey, Embrace Diversity with New...

休斯頓凱蒂亞洲城商圈AMA Kitchen一站式全景餐館即將盛大開幕

休斯頓凱蒂亞洲城商圈AMA Kitchen全景餐廳盛大開幕!全面、創新、溫暖,十國亞洲美食,包場服務,外燴服務,多樣化選擇。歡慶開幕,充值100元贈送120元會員券!來品味Potataste馬鈴薯料理、Pot Simple小火鍋、Fish & Sea海鮮饗宴、Cool & Sweet椰子凍、Bao...

Leading the New Trends in F&B Industry: AMA Kitchen Combines Diverse Cuisine with Leisurely Social Experiences

Discover the latest trends in the F&B industry with AMA Kitchen. Offering diverse Asian cuisine in a relaxed atmosphere, AMA Kitchen elevates your...

AMA Kitchen Empowers Food and Beverage Brands to Quickly Enter Houston’s Dining Market

AMA Kitchen thrives in Houston's dining scene with a prime location in a bustling area. AMA Kitchen offers cost-effective entry, shared facilities...

Unleash Your Foodie Spirit with Buy 1 Get 1 Free on AMA Kitchen’s Crazy Wednesdays!

AMA Kitchen is introducing Crazy Wednesdays, a gastronomic extravaganza featuring our top 9 best-selling dishes. Enjoy a buy-one-get-one-free offer...

Lunch Specials at Katy Asian Town: Discover AMA Kitchen’s Delectable Deals & More!

Katy Asian Town AMA Kitchen brings you an incredible lunchtime experience like no other! From Monday to Friday, between 11am and 2pm, we're offering...

Extended Soft Opening Discount at AMA Kitchen!

AMA Kitchen is thrilled to share that we are extending our Soft Opening Discount until June 18th! That means you have more time to indulge in an...

休斯頓 AMA KITCHEN美食廚坊 即將在6月於凱蒂亞洲城商圈試營運,進駐品牌搶先看!

休斯頓的凱蒂亞洲城商圈將於2023年6月9日迎來全新主打輕食餐飲「AMA KITCHEN美食廚坊」開幕試營運。試營運開幕店家有Thai Street Eatery知名泰式特色餐廳、Bow King越南美味健康餐盒和Mr.Sun道地日本料理餐廳,每間餐廳都有獨家特色料理,絕對能滿足你的味蕾!...

New Exciting Culinary Destination AMA KITCHEN is Soft Opening at Katy Asian Town in Houston this June

Discover the ultimate culinary experience at AMA Kitchen, Katy Asian Town's newest hotspot in Houston. Join us for the soft opening on June 9, 2023...

Join AMA Kitchen as a Partner and Build a Cloud Kitchen Brand Together

AMA Kitchen is seeking partners to join their team and operate their own restaurant with professional support and zero investment. AMA Kitchen has...

免投入資金開店!成為AMA Kitchen餐飲合作夥伴,攜手建立雲端餐飲品牌

位於休斯頓熱門的凱蒂亞洲城商圈內的AMA Kitchen看中雲端廚房特點,打造14間廚房空間,結合專屬「AMA On-The-Go」一站式亞洲風味美食平台, 我們正積極籌備旗下輕食餐廳品牌,推出美味無負擔的沙拉、飯團、海鮮等健康輕食。如果您想成為AMA...