Join AMA Kitchen as a Partner and Build a Cloud Kitchen Brand Together

AMA Kitchen is seeking partners to join their team and operate their own restaurant with professional support and zero investment. AMA Kitchen has capitalized on the unique features of cloud kitchens, offering a one-stop Asian cuisine platform and shared seating areas. AMA Kitchen has created 14 kitchen spaces and partnered with over 30 businesses in Katy Asian Town to offer a variety of delicious food options. Customers can order from multiple restaurants in one go and only pay one delivery fee, making it easy to enjoy a variety of delicious food at home.

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免投入資金開店!成為AMA Kitchen餐飲合作夥伴,攜手建立雲端餐飲品牌

位於休斯頓熱門的凱蒂亞洲城商圈內的AMA Kitchen看中雲端廚房特點,打造14間廚房空間,結合專屬「AMA On-The-Go」一站式亞洲風味美食平台, 我們正積極籌備旗下輕食餐廳品牌,推出美味無負擔的沙拉、飯團、海鮮等健康輕食。如果您想成為AMA Kitchen輕食餐飲品牌推手,歡迎成為我們的合作夥伴,一起為凱蒂居民創造絕佳的輕食體驗!

Continue Reading免投入資金開店!成為AMA Kitchen餐飲合作夥伴,攜手建立雲端餐飲品牌